Místo:Lucerna Music bar
Kdy:14. 4. 2011

Agharta Prague Jazz Festival

Dean Brown – guitar, vocals, Dennis Chambers – drums, Bobby Sparks – Hammond B3, Fender Rhodes, Clavinet, Minimoog

Pamětníci koncertu The Brecker Brothers v Paláci kultury (1993) si jistě vzpomenou na mladého a neznámého kytaristu Dean Browna, který zaujal nejen svými skvělými, pouhými dvěma sóly za večer, které mu tehdy „milostivě hvězdy dovolily“, ale samozřejmě bezchybným zvládnutím role sidemana. Bylo tedy jasné, že se stane vyhledávaným kytaristou, a tak do Prahy v dalších letech přijel s Marcusem Millerem, Victorem Baileym, Bil Evansem či vlastním bandem. Na evropské turné podporující jeho nové album DBIII si pozval klávesistu Bobbyho Sparkse a bubeníka „největšího kalibru“ Dennise Chamberse. Toho Praha zažila nejen s Carlosem Santanou, ale i s Kenny Garrettem, Andy Summersem a především na nezapomenutelných dvou koncertech s Mike Sternem a Richardem Bonou.

Those who attended the Brecker Brothers’ concert in the Palace of Culture (1993) will certainly remember the young, then unknown, guitarist Dean Brown, who impressed the audience not only with his wonderful solos – only two during the whole event which the “stars graciously permitted” at the time – but naturally also in his flawless role as sideman. It was obvious back then that he would become a sought-after guitarist, appearing in Prague in future years at the APJF with Marcus Miller, David Sanborn, Victor Bailey, Bill Evans and also with his own band. For his European tour promoting his new album DBIII he invited keyboard artist Bobby Sparks and drummer “of the highest calibre” Dennis Chambers. Prague audiences would have heard the latter not only with Carlos Santana, but also with Kenny Garrett, Andy Summers and, in particular, at two unforgettable concerts in a single day with Mike Stern and Richard Bona (2004).